As a business owner, you know how important it is to safeguard your investment. At Sine Insurance Group we are committed to helping protect your company and all the hard work you and your employees have put into it. We seek to provide Missouri business owners with comprehensive property insurance coverage with solutions to address specific risks you might encounter on your road to success.

Let Us Assess Your Needs

Our customizable policies are designed to meet your specific property risks while simultaneously controlling loss and financial burden. We understand that there is no cookie-cutter policy that will work for all businesses when it comes to protecting your property. A comprehensive property insurance policy can be designed to include what your business actually needs, including but not limited to:

  • Building Coverage
  • Building Contents
  • Business Interruption and Extra Expense coverage
  • Property of Others in your care, custody and control to the extent you are legally liable for that property
  • Accounts Receivables & Valuable Papers
  • Debris Removal
  • Electronic Data Loss
  • Actions of Civil Authority
  • And More

Your property insurance coverage must effectively address your organization’s loss exposures, including the unique risks your business and industry face. You will need a trusted insurance advisor to evaluate the coverage amounts on your building as well as business personal property such as inventory, furniture, equipment, etc. to procure the right protection. We will also evaluate deductibles and the cost to replace your business property in the event of a loss.