
Posted by Tim Sine in: Trucking

Truck driving can be quite a dangerous job, especially when maneuvering cumbersome loads. Most accidents are preventable, and luckily there are simple measures to take to help avoid unnecessary accidents. Training does not prepare drivers for what they are actually faced with on the road. Consider implementing these tips to promote safety.

Slow Down

All too often, speed is a primary contributing factor in accidents that could have otherwise been avoided. Professional driving will require you to take your time.

Pickups, driving, drop-offs, and related tasks should all be done methodically and with utmost caution. Regardless of your routine as a professional truck driver, it is critical to take the time to think through what you are doing thoroughly.

Attention to Detail

Consider making a checklist for yourself so that you cover all your bases, such as checking blind spots and a complete pre-trip inspection. Keep a close watch on the entire vehicle as you’re just leaving the yard as this would be the ideal time to handle issues rather than out on the road. It is best to do your checks in the same order each time not to miss anything important.

Plan Route Beforehand

How do you look for your delivery destination when you’re out on the road?

Be sure to do your due diligence and plan the trip to the best ability. Making yourself familiar with the location of the customer is the least you can do. Trying to locate a destination in traffic is stressful for even the most experienced driver.

Trip planning should be part of your daily routine. You can even contact the receiver or the customer to ask for detailed directions to the delivery location and compare that to what the GPS is saying. They may be able to give you some extra pointers on how to avoid obstacles. Will you be delivering in a highly-populated area, to an older area of a city with narrow streets, tight corners, or low bridges? All these scenarios add a level of challenge in which planning can go a long way.


When you arrive at your destination, it is recommended to park on the street and walk up to the unloading area. Walk around and examine where you will be backing the trailer in. Studying the layout and checking for potential obstacles will be extremely helpful. What may end up in your blind spots when you’re backing in? Consider those areas so that you can be extra cautious.

Also, do not solely rely on your spotter if you do have someone there to help. You, as the driver, are responsible for how your vehicle is maneuvered. Typically, the spotter is watching only one part of the truck. For example, they could easily miss the overhead clearance or the front right corner since they usually just watch the trailer’s back end.

It is in your best interest to get out of your truck often to fully check things out for yourself. This is a particularly important step for those who are blindsiding in.

It is worth the time to get out and look. When people don’t do this, they are much more likely to miss something.

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