
Posted by Tim Sine in: blog

A successful project manager utilizes tools and strategies that streamline their work and help to simplify many processes. How you implement those tools is what matters. Go beyond the basics to prepare for the intricacies of the role and direct your efforts toward success.


Communication is essential to every component of any construction project. Good news and bad news are equally important when preparing and implementing a building project.

Establish a flow of communication with everyone on the ground, stakeholders, and suppliers. This makes the process smoother and reduces wasted time figuring out issues. Collaborative work management tools are a great way to create a flow in communication. This will allow for syncing comments, attachments, and calendars, monitoring news, budgets, and scheduling changes. With a real time, email-free method you can spend more time on site coordinating the next stages.


Begin planning long before actual construction begins, and continue developing plans until the project ends. Each phase requires extensive planning and may need to be revised as next stages unfold. If an unexpected environmental problem arises during the pre-construction phase, the design may need to change. Even slight adjustments may affect overall plans and timeline.

Contractors should be trusted, but still need focused direction to coordinate their efforts with each other. Work with them throughout the timeline to refine plans as delays and equipment failures commonly arise.

Observe and Ask Questions

Successful project managers become an integral part of the process, working figuratively and literally alongside others. Field elements can drastically affect the workflow of construction projects. There will be times you’ll need to see an issue in person before you can resolve it. It is important to know the site and duties of each professional working under you very well. Construction is a constantly evolving industry, so continually educate yourself to administer a successful project.

Regular site visits and contractor conferences are essential.

Costs and Budget Monitoring

Projects managers are responsible for tracking and monitoring all costs, as they relate to initial budgets. Work alongside accountants to ensure all direct and indirect costs are recorded. Monitoring finances manually without assistance isn’t practical. Utilize software so you and other collaborators can input costs, budget changes, and other calculations to keep track of your project’s finances effectively.


Bypass further correspondence by integrating automated reporting systems. Weekly distribution of various spreadsheets and status reports, and automated delivery tools will save significant time over the span of the build. This will ensure proper correspondence, allowing for greater focus on other tasks and communication. Other reporting systems, like Safety and Health Management, can prevent hazards, track incidents, and streamline worksite analysis is the event of an issue.

Software should be a helpful tool work more efficiently; however the skills and strategies for successful management require a greater in depth look at the industry as a whole, and a better understanding of how your role fits into an overall build.

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