
Posted by Tim Sine in: HVAC

The winter weather conditions present hazards for many service professionals. HVAC Technicians need to be equipped with the safety information they need, as the winter elements are not to be taken lightly. Here are some tips to ensure you are properly prepared for what may come.

Dressing Appropriately

When the weather is frigid, you should dress accordingly. Typically, when working outside in the winter, insulating yourself is almost always needed. This can be done through multiple layers of breathable clothes. Although the goal is to stay warm, you must also try to avoid sweating, as that can cause the clothes to soak up moisture and make it more difficult for your body to retain heat. For outside work, a pair of quality work boots can be beneficial to retain heat while also maintaining traction if there is ice. A pair of gloves and a hat is advised as well, as we lose most of our body heat through our hands, head, and feet.

Plenty of Rest and Food

Getting enough sleep at night and working on a full stomach can truly make all the difference in maintaining a healthy level of comfort to get you through a long workday. Having plenty of rest and food will allow your body to function at its highest potential. A good night’s sleep promotes the energy needed to tackle the day ahead, and a full stomach will help keep up that energy level when the calories are being burned.

Injury and Illness Prevention

Working in the winter increases the risk exposure for HVAC technicians; however, safety prevention plans can make a huge impact. Some key safety tips for help prevent injuries and illness from arising:

  • Stay on top your hydration levels
  • Minimize tasks that may lead to a lot of sweat
  • Use a team system
  • Never go places alone for long periods (If unavoidable, maintain contact with someone else at the company to track safety).
  • Stay educated on the signs and symptoms related to cold weather maladies such as hypothermia or frostbite.

Driving Safely

One of the most important safety tips for HVAC technicians in the wintertime would be to create and maintain safe winter weather driving habits. You should always leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle ahead at all times of the year, but especially when it is snowy/icy. Also, be sure to keep a safe speed, as if you were to hit a patch of black ice, it would be much more of a disaster when speeding.

Your vehicle should have a maintained battery and be clear of all snow or ice buildup as well. Double-check that you have a spare tire, jack, tire iron, and a set of jumper cables handy in your vehicle. You may even want to have snowmelt on hand in case emergency maintenance on your car is needed. It is wise to check that your fluids are topped off and that your windshield wipers are in good working condition before taking off.

Plan Your Routes

Establishing your schedule and route can be challenging, but it is necessary. Some snow or ice in the mix can make it that much harder. To plan an efficient route, it is helpful to use weather information to try to stay clear of potentially dangerous situations. It is best to avoid rural areas that have not been snow plowed. Yes, you can’t always bypass certain roads in the winter when there are deadlines to keep your business running, but the goal should be to limit your drive time as much as possible. Using a field service software system can be helpful to optimize the travel routes, limit windshield time as well as increase production time. It is up to you to put your best foot forward and keep striving to improve your winter safety plans.

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